Current Social Issues

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's Off To Work We Go

Diego Rivera’s Detroit Industry illustrates the industrial forced labor. Throughout the mural he paints people of all different colors running the machines. He showed that this would be a world- wide problem affecting all races. Diego wanted to show how the progress of industrialism can be dangerous to society. One panel of the mural portrays men in gas masks building bombs for war. He thought the new industry was a catalyst for destruction. He paints hands coming up from a pyramid. The pyramid symbolizes his Mexican culture. Some hands hold industry tools while other hands look disfigured, representing the crippling affects industry would have on the world. I think Rivera’s Detroit Industry affects the forced labor in a way that could change a person’s viewpoint on the issue. The people who think of only the positive aspects of industrial labor force might change their minds about the issue once they view Rivera’s painting. I think society would react in a negative way to Rivera’s Detroit Industry. Society could vocally and physically protest against the forced industrial labor. 

  I plan to paint about the current social issue of the unemployment rate. I would show a line of poverty stricken people in front of a bunch of business buildings in the background. These people of different ages and races would look dirty and have ripped clothes. Some of them would be begging for money. Others would hold signs asking for help in getting a job. The balance of the composition would be evenly spaced. I plan to place the people in the foreground and the business buildings in the background giving it the illusion of Three-dimensional space. I would illustrate a pattern of crosshatching lines to create the business buildings. I would use curved lines to create the shapes of the people. Values of brown, orange and yellow would make up the people’s skin. I would emphasize their colors by painting bright shades of blue, green, red, and purple.
I want to make an awareness of this issue of unemployment like Rivera did on the issue of forced labor. I think it is important people know that this is a huge issue going on all over the world. I want people to be inspired to find a solution to the overwhelming unemployment rate.

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