Current Social Issues

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Crossing the Border

     Judith Baca, muralist, is known for her artwork on social issues. One of her most famous pieces is the La Memoria de Nuestra Tierra: California 1996, which depicts how immigration between Mexico and the United States is handled.  The mural affects the social issue by showing the history of what has gone on between California and Mexico. The art provides a platform to express the emotions toward the social issue of immigration. Baca paints a giant woman that represents the sleeping land of Mexico. The giant is awoken by the border that is connected to her back. Her face contorts in anger. Baca makes the mural more realistic for the viewer by adding the actual border in San Diego that separates California and Mexico. Baca also showed the emotional and physical experiences the immigrants went through. In the original mural she showed a man’s failing efforts to cross the border. The man gets caught and is lynched by the border patrol. When viewing this mural, society can have an emotional reaction to immigration. Viewers can stir up emotions of anger and sadness for immigrants. The viewer could possibly have sympathy for immigrants.
            After viewing the La Memoria de Nuestra Tierra: California 1996, I was inspired by Baca to create a painting that represents the social issue of immigration. In my painting, I want to show a big, long fence with a Hispanic Family trying to climb over from Mexico to California. In the distance you can see a Mexican police vehicle approaching. I will create space by overlapping the family members. A combination of horizontal and diagonal lines will make up a pattern on the fence. The dark and light colors of the family members will range in value. The differences in value will create 3-dimensional shapes. I plan on using bright contrasting colors for the people’s clothes in order for them to be the emphasis in the painting. The family will be placed toward the left side of the painting. The painting will have asymmetrical balance to the composition. 

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